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Firstly, Orthobiologics injections utilise the body’s own healing mechanisms. In addition, They are used to heal damaged soft tissues – ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves and joints – that are not responding to conventional measures. 

What is involved with orthobiologics?

At  Cheltenham Podiatry, our podiatrists are trained in Orthobiologic treatments by leading international experts, ensuring safe, sterile and effective technique. Additionally, Injections are delivered via precise ultrasound guidance. 

Treatment usually requires several injections over several weeks or months.  For arthritic joints, ligament and tendon tears, Orthobiologics are often combined with biomechanical correction, along with prolotherapy and perineural injection therapy  to improve joint integrity and calm local inflamed nerves. We commonly also treat plantar fascia tears, and chronic and acute ankle injuries.


Orthobiologics can treat common conditions when other more conservative measures fail. Ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves and joints. They can be used to delay joint replacements, or rather if a joint replacement is not suitable for an individual.  They are delivered via ultrasound guided  injections  to ensure accuracy of placement.  Conditions treated include:


What Orthobiologic treatments do we offer?

Platelet Rich Plasma:

 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) can aid in the repair of  damaged tendons, ligaments , and other podiatric conditions which fail standard care . it can also be helpful in reducing pain and inflammation from osteoarthritis.

After an injury, the platelets in our blood are activated, releasing growth factors that help to heal damaged tissues.  PRP involves blood collection (similar to pathology for blood tests), which is then processed in sterile conditions to separate and concentrate the platelets and filter for suitable white blood cell parameters. The resulting platelet rich plasma is then injected into the site of injury.

Additionally, Generally, 3 injections are required, delivered 1- 2 weeks apart. 

Furthermore, While many PRP setups only allow for a ‘one size fits all’ treatment, our clinic is able to engineer the appropriate concentrations of the essential blood products for the needs of individual patients. Often at least 5-10 x the normal platelet levels are achieved and white blood cell requirements can be customised for the condition.

Moreover, A variation on PRP – Platelet Rich Fibrin – is a specialised application designed to accelerate wound healing, making it particularly useful for difficult diabetic/ischaemic wounds/ulcers. Finally, It is delivered on a weekly basis, alongside other ulcer treatments offered by our clinic.

Conditioned Serum (Cytokine Concentrate):

This treatment is similar to PRP, with the difference being that it concentrates specific anti-inflammatory proteins that play a pivotal role in conditions such as osteoarthritis. 

Today, with much research underway, the biological causes of osteoarthritis are much better understood. We now know it is not just mechanical cartilage wear but a complex disease that affects the entire joint.

Moreover, Destructive and aggressive messenger proteins play a pivotal role in the development of osteoarthritis, and Conditioned Serum treatment addresses this directly.

Furthermore, Patients who suffer from osteoarthritis and are not surgical candidates, or have not responded to other treatments such as physiotherapy, are excellent candidates for this treatment.

Similarly, patients who would prefer not to have joint replacement surgery can benefit greatly, with pain reduction and improvement in function.

  • Baltzer, A. W., Moser, C., Jansen, S. A., & Krauspe, R. (2009). Autologous conditioned serum (Orthokine) is an effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 17(2), 152–160.
  • Everts, P. A., Lana, J. F., Onishi, K., Buford, D., Peng, J., Mahmood, A., Fonseca, L. F., et al. (2023) Angiogenesis and Tissue Repair Depend on Platelet Dosing and Bioformulation Strategies Following Orthobiological Platelet-Rich Plasma Procedures: A Narrative Review. Biomedicines, 11(7), 1922. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
  • Monto R. R. (2014). Platelet-rich plasma efficacy versus corticosteroid injection treatment for chronic severe plantar fasciitis. Foot & ankle international, 35(4), 313–318.
  • Riboh, J. C., Saltzman, B. M., Yanke, A. B., Fortier, L., & Cole, B. J. (2016). Effect of Leukocyte Concentration on the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis. The American journal of sports medicine, 44(3), 792–800.
  • Von Wehren, L., Pokorny, K., Blanke, F., Sailer, J., & Majewski, M. (2019). Injection with autologous conditioned serum has better clinical results than eccentric training for chronic Achilles tendinopathy. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA, 27(9), 2744–2753.

Book an appointment


Firstly, To find out if Orthobiologic treatments are right for you, speak to the team at Cheltenham Podiatry. Additionally, We are committed to helping you with the best treatments for you. 

Moreover,Book an appointment using our online form, or call our team today on 03 9583 3093. Alternatively, you can contact us using our form below.



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